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Help Your Child Avoid Binge Drinking With A Minor In Possession Class Online

Spring break is once again upon us. This is a time of year when young adults from around the country converge on warm spots to relax, unwind, and get some sun and party after months of studying. In 2012, the top spring break destinations included Cancun, Mexico, Panama City, Florida and Nassau, Bahamas. Many popular spots within the U.S. tend to relax their rules during this season to see an increase in revenue and abroad the legal drinking age can be 18. Students attest that the goal is often to drink to access. While some underage drinkers have experience with alcohol and how much they can tolerate, most push the limits unaware of the risks they are taking.

Unfortunately, every year we hear heartbreaking stories of an underage drinker becoming unresponsive after a night of partying. Already today the headlines include a story about a 20-year-old college student from Michigan who was on spring break in Panama City, Florida and has died in an alcohol-related incident.

Students across the nation could benefit from taking an online alcohol and drug awareness class to learn the risks and repercussions of binge drinking. Learning this information prior to spring break escapades could save many lives. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as any time one reaches a BAC level of .08% or higher. Other definitions state that it’s 4 – 5 drinks over a short period of time with the intention of becoming quickly intoxicated. When someone partakes in binge drinking they are creating adverse effects on their cardiac rhythm, blood pressure, and white blood cell activity. Heavy binge drinking during adolescence is also associated with an increased risk of alcoholism, and poor decision making skills that lead to earlier sexual activity and generally dangerous behavior.

If you are a parent reading this article, the solution is to arm your child with the information they need to avoid this behavior. Have your adolescent take an alcohol and drug awareness class from the comfort of their dorm room or home on their computer. Online classes enable the student to learn the material at his or her own pace, whenever time allows. Students can login and out for any amount of time, and at any time of the day or night. Young adults who have grown up with computers in their life particularly like this way of learning. The entire class is on the screen in front of you with nothing to print out or download.

Online MIP classes are also available if your child has already been cited with a court order, school or other legal requirement because they have been caught as a minor in possession of alcohol, drugs or paraphernalia. Classes are available in 8, 12, 16, 20 or 24-hour lengths and are designed to fulfill an education mandate. At the end of the course, the student will receive a Certificate of Completion to prove he has successfully taken the course.

Underage drinking is a huge problem in the U.S. Teens are in a vulnerable time of their lives and social drinking pressures can be intense. Give them the education to understand why they should limit or abstain from drinking and drugs. Education is the key to prevention.

Utilize Current Technology By Taking Your Alcohol And Drug Awareness Class Online!

Some people are compelled to take alcohol and drug education classes by court orders as one of the measures to help them learn to control their behaviors. Others choose to enroll as a step towards self-improvement to be able to live a life without alcohol and drug problems. If it’s for a court mandate or as a proactive approach to solving use and addiction problems, consumers should be aware that there are two options. Individuals can drive to classes traditionally held in school classrooms, or instead by utilizing modern technology and taking the classes online. For those who take the classes in the traditional manner, they are required to observe strict routines and spend a lot of time getting to where the classes are located. But the people who take advantage of current technology by enrolling in an alcohol and drug awareness class online derive many more benefits over those who take the class traditionally.

One of the primary benefits of taking the classes online is the convenience of doing it at the comfort of one's home. This means that the person taking the classes just needs to have a computer, laptop, Ipad or Smartphone that is connected to the Internet to use to read through the classes. As a result, online customers enjoy the convenience of not having to move from their homes to where the classes are located.

Another benefit of taking an alcohol and drug class online is that they are self-paced. This means that the person taking the classes decides when to take a particular class and how fast they want to finish the entire session. This enables such people to perform their normal duties, attend their regular jobs, be with their families and then set aside some focused time when they are not busy to attend the classes. In case they are required to finish the entire course within a short time, clients can choose to clear their schedules to dedicate time solely to finish the classes. The customer has control. This is unlike traditional schooling where one has to stick with the pace and schedule the teacher has set. Hence, the client gets the freedom of deciding when and how fast they want to complete the classes.

People who take online alcohol and drug education classes also get to save time and money which otherwise would have been spent getting to a class. Taking an online course means you do not have to drive to classes and hence the transport cost is eliminated. The time that would have been spent getting to a class is also saved since the person taking the class just needs to switch on his or her computer.

Online classes on drugs and alcohol education are also ideal because they contain the latest skills and techniques for clients to learn the most current education. The authenticity of the online classes is enhanced by the fact that most courts across the country are currently accepting online classes. All the client needs to do is request for a pre approval from the judge, probation officer or court system. Just be sure to choose and alcohol and drug class that comes from a company with enhanced customer service guarantees. Specifically, look for a 100% refund policy if the court doesn’t accept online learning. This gives the client the option and comfort to go ahead and take the class even if they can’t get a straight answer out of the court system. If the court doesn’t accept it, the client will get his money back.

Utilizing current technology by taking online drug and alcohol awareness classes is more convenient and less expensive than taking the classes traditionally.

Learn The Health Risks Of Alcohol With An 8-Hour Alcohol Awareness Class Online

Did you know that alcohol use results in about 20,000 cancer deaths in the U.S. annually? If living a long, happy and healthy life is important to you, cut back or stop your alcohol consumption! A recent study from researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine and Boston University School of Public Health reinforces that reducing the amount of alcohol you drink is an important strategy in cancer prevention.

Previous studies have shown that alcohol use increases your risk for cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, colon, and rectum. In fact, breast cancer is the most common cause of alcohol related cancer deaths in women resulting in about 6,000 deaths each year.

If this isn’t enough to make you think twice about consuming that next cocktail, think about the fact that the average person loses about 18 years of life due to alcohol-related cancer. Even a number as small as 1 ½ drinks per day or less account for 30% of these deaths.

Now that these statistics have gotten you thinking, the next concern is how to actually go about alcohol reduction or abstinence? For some people quitting cold turkey is no problem, but the majority of us need some form of support. Attending group meetings might seem a bit extreme for your level of alcohol use, or you might not have time in your busy day to make a prescheduled meeting time. A highly successful educationally based solution is to take an online alcohol awareness class.

Many of us grew up in households watching our parents drink, picked it up in high school or college and have slowly increased consumption as life’s challenges have become more difficult. Taking an alcohol awareness class teaches us what our risk factors are for alcoholism, how it affects our brain, central nervous system and body and what we can expect the long-term affects will be. Classes also discuss how our alcohol consumption is not only affecting our physical being, but our mental stature and the lives of loved ones around us. Students will leave an alcohol awareness class with new skills and tools to use to improve their communication, manage their stress and how to prevent this addictive behavior.

Taking an online alcohol education class has become increasingly popular in the past few years. Online classes enable clients to have the freedom to take the course on any web-based computer device whenever there is free time. Clients can enter and exit the class as many times as they want and it’s available online 24/7. Online classes are user-friendly, the class is right in front of you on the computer screen. There’s nothing to printout or download, just sit and read through the class at your own pace. And, because you are in the privacy of your own home, no one else needs to know that you are currently taking the class. If it’s something you would like to keep on the down low, an online class is definitely the way to go.

The most recent research in the field of health tells us that drinking alcohol can be a link to cancer, as well as to other emotional and physical risks. Take some time to learn more about and overcome alcohol use, abuse and addiction by taking an online alcohol class today!

Educate Your Kids With An Antidrug Message With An Online Drug and Alcohol Class

Parents often ask themselves what the best way is to impart an anti-drug message on their teens. In some cases, the question arises whether it’s useful to “relate” to your child’s age by telling them about your own drug and alcohol stories. Recent research from the journal of Human Communication Research found that when parents did not disclose drug use and combined that with a strong antidrug message, their kids were more likely to follow suit and exhibit antidrug attitudes as well.  In fact, the study showed that even if parents used their past stories of substance use to share a teachable moment and to relay their disapproval of drug and alcohol use, the results were that these kids were actually less likely to report antidrug perceptions.

Parents should reconsider discussing their own past histories and instead focus on the negative results of drug and alcohol use in general. Education can be the best way to prevent a child from heading down this path. As online classes have become more popular, many parents are finding that having their adolescents take an alcohol and drug awareness class online is a successful way to go. In many cases, teenage children think that their parents “don’t know anything”. To solve this issue, the teen can take a class from the comfort of his or her own home from a seasoned licensed and practicing family therapist. This format of learning about the topic takes away any personal issues the kids have with how you are imparting the information. The teaching is all coming from an expert in the field.

Online alcohol and drug classes for minors teach students about the different types of substances and how each one negatively affects the body. They go on to discuss how use and abuse can destroy the child’s short and long-term health, his goals and ambitions and his life as a whole. Classes give clients assistance in how to overcome peer pressure and understand why to just walk away from others involved in the behavior. Specific communication skills and stress management techniques help kids avoid the rocky road altogether.

Online classes are a beneficial way of learning this new material because they allow the child or children to go at their own pace, and in the privacy and relaxed atmosphere of their own home. This takes away any stigma they might feel of having to spend their weekend at a traditional classroom course. It also encourages discussion between the parents and child, as you can be right there while they are learning the material. The safety of home gives the child the confidence to ask questions rather than sit quietly in a classroom full of people that they are embarrassed to talk in front of.

Most parents originally sign their kids up for an 8 or 10-hour alcohol class to start with. Once you register, the course becomes immediately available to read through from any Internet based computer like an Ipad, PC or laptop. There are short multiple-choice quizzes along the way to insure that the student understands the information and finishes with a final exam. Students can go back and review any material prior to completing the class.

An online drug and alcohol class for adolescents is an excellent way for parents to take a proactive approach to addressing substance use and abuse. Give your child the tools he or she needs to navigate successfully through the teen years!

Alcohol Awareness Classes Online Can Help The Entire Family

Alcoholism is a problem that affects not just the individual but his entire family as well. It can severely damage relationships, financial resources, occupations and health. In the management of alcoholism, the role of the family is very important. Alcoholics are often in denial and it is the role of the family to show the suffering individual that the problem is real and that he needs treatment. Taking an online alcohol awareness class can be extremely beneficial to the alcoholic and his or her immediate family. If a member of your family is suffering from alcohol addiction, alcohol and drug education classes can help guide you in understanding and supporting your loved one.

Online alcohol and drug awareness classes are not just meant for the alcoholic individual. A family member or members can take the course along side. Clients

1. Learn supportive behaviors

Instead of enabling the alcoholism, clients can learn how to show empathy and support while helping the abuser maintain sobriety. Classes teach how the substance takes hold into an addiction and affects the mental and physical health of the alcoholic. Family members can better understand the resulting behavior and learn skills and techniques to help the addict avoid alcohol.

2. Develop skills and attitude

Since alcoholism brings nothing but destruction to the family, members of the family usually develop negative attitude towards the alcoholic family member. With alcohol awareness classes, you will be learning how to develop the proper attitude for you to be able to help your alcoholic family member in a positive way.

3. Relationship enhancements

The relationship of the entire family is greatly affected when a member is an alcoholic. Alcohol and drug awareness classes can provide assistance on how to enhance relationships, speak more effectively with one another and manage stress.

Taking alcohol and drug awareness classes online can benefit the entire family. You no longer need to go to a classroom for the traditional classes because you can enroll online and enjoy a lot of advantages. The benefits of taking alcohol and drug awareness classes online include the following:

1. Flexible time schedules

If you attend classes in classrooms, you will have to attend regularly in a fixed time schedule. However, when you take alcohol awareness classes online, you can take the classes depending on your free time. A flexible time schedule is the number one advantage of these online classes.

2. Quality materials

Online alcoholic awareness classes can also provide you with the same, if not better, high quality education that you would receive in a classroom. If you choose a program that is designed by a currently licensed and practicing family therapist you will insure that you are receiving the most cutting edge educational material.

3. No need to go out and Budget-friendly

Since online alcohol and drug awareness classes only require a stable Internet connection, you can learn in the comfort of your home. This is very helpful since you no longer need to use resources to go out or require gas to drive your way to your classes.

Online alcohol and drug classes are immediately available on your computer screen once you are done registering. You simply read through the material and take short multiple-choice quizzes along the way. The classes can be accessed from any of the 50 states, and are user friendly so you don’t need a high level of computer skills.

If you suspect that a member of your family is having issues with alcohol, don’t wait until the problem escalates. Start an online alcohol and drug awareness class today to improve the