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In a recent survey conducted by the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, results showed that about 8.7 % of the population aged 12 or older have used illegal drugs in 2011. This overall rate is similar to the results in 2010 and 2009, but is higher than the figures from 2003 to 2008.


Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug, used by about 80 percent of the illegal drug users. Illegal drug use proved most common among 18-20 years old, with a rate of 23.8 %. It steadily declines as people get older. What is alarming though, is that drug use becomes more common as teens approach the age of 23.

Gender and Ethnicity

Gender also plays a role, with males more prone to drug use (11.1%) than women (6.5%). The relation of drug use to ethnicity was also examined, showing that it is least prevalent among Asians at 3.8% and highest among persons of mixed races at 13.5%.

Educational Status

In relation to educational status, it is lowest among college graduates at 5.4% while those who had not graduated from high school are most vulnerable at 11.4%.

Substance abuse continues to show an alarming trend. Behind the statistics, however, are real lives, real people who have their lives altered, if not ruined by drug abuse. While the government is spending a sizable amount of money to control the drug trade, avoidance of drugs also demands some degree of responsibility and effort from every individual.

Benefits of Drug Education Classes

One of the things an individual, a parent or an employer can do is enroll those who are in the high-risk profile into a drug education class. Offered at reasonable costs, a basic 8 hour drug education class can be a proactive approach to the prevention of substance abuse.

Myths About Drug Use Are Exposed

Many young people start using illegal substance because they fall for the myths commonly associated with drug use. For example, they believe that they can easily stop the habit anytime they want. In a drug education class, students will be taught the truths about addiction and the difficulties they will encounter in trying to overcome the habit.

Students Get to Know The Dangers

Topics focus on the real dangers of substance abuse. Actual situations are described to instill in students the harsh realities that drug dependents have to face on a daily basis. This will make them think twice before even trying. For those who are already into drug use, this will give them the idea where they are headed if they don't stop.

Students Learn to Adjust to Situations

Drug use may also start when a teen does not know how to behave in certain situations, like peer pressure. In the course, they will learn how to say no to false friends and recognize the importance of choosing quality people in their lives.

Students Learn To Set Goals

The lack of goals makes someone prone to drug abuse. Without clear goals, teens will more readily submit to peer pressure and let other influences run their lives. Goal-setting will also have a direct effect on other areas of a student's life, be it academic, social, or spiritual. This will have far-reaching implications, with the high potential of turning them into productive individuals.

Students Learn to Handle Their Emotions

Negative emotions like anger and fear have a direct influence on why a person turns to drugs. In the course, they will learn how to release potentially destructive emotions in more productive channels through stress and anger management techniques.

Professional Advice Is Available

In an online drug education class, professional drug counselors and educators lend their expertise. A live person can be contacted to speak with about any questions or concerns during the workweek.

Choosing Where To Enroll

There are drug education centers spread out across the United States. However, online drug education courses can be taken from the convenience of home from any web-based computer. Online classes enable the student to go at their own comfortable pace and save money and time on transportation.