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10 Important Reasons to Stop Drinking Alcohol and Improve Alcohol Awareness

Many young people start drinking in high school because they think alcohol makes them look older and it helps them with fitting into the “in” crowd. Although social drinking is considered to be acceptable and common, it is important for both the young and old to know that 9% of all alcoholics are considered to be chronic severe alcoholics, and that many in this category started drinking during their teenage years.

Alcohol abuse not only can destroy the life of the person that is drinking but it impacts the lives of their spouses and their children. These problems are not always confined to the home, since people that drink more than their share of alcohol can affect the community as a whole. Unfortunately, people who drink and drive can cause both serious as well as fatal accidents. This is one of the main reasons why people that drink should consider and review all of the reasons to quit. Listed below is a list of the top reasons to stop drinking alcohol.

1) Most people believe drinking is fun because it helps them to relax and fit in with others. This fun night of drinking does not include the next morning's experience, which includes vomiting, hangovers and blackouts. However, when the person stops drinking, these painful experiences can be eliminated.

2) No more alcohol will also eliminate the red eyes and dark circles. People who drink too much often pass-out, but the sleep is short-lived and they often are awakened in the middle of the night as the body processes the alcohol. No drinking means the person can look more rested and fresh in the morning, especially when they have to go to work.

3) Another major benefit of not drinking is the cost savings. Buying alcohol on a regular basis can be a major blow to the family budget. Therefore, the money that is saved can go to other essentials including a child's college education.

4) Drinking and driving is no longer a risk for the person that quits. When people like to drink, their judgment is often impaired. Hence, the risks are higher for drinking and driving.

5) Family history of alcoholism has a greater chance of being reversed. Due to various studies, if the family has a history of alcoholism, there is a greater chance that these issues will be passed on to additional generations.

6) Health problems and concerns are reduced and avoided. Alcoholics have higher chances of getting liver disease, hepatitis, some types of cancer, and cholesterol issues.

7) Immune system is improved and corrected. Those who drink regularly are at a higher risk of getting different types of infectious diseases because their immune systems do not work properly.

8) Lower risks of getting a sexually transmitted disease. With alcohol consumption, the person is not always completely aware of or in control of what they are doing or with whom.

9) When a person stops drinking alcohol, they will have better control of their moods because alcohol is also equated with depression and violence.

10) No more reasons to lie or be deceitful to others, especially about their drinking. Therefore, the person can be more honest and open.

If you or a loved one is interested in overcoming alcohol addiction, start by taking alcohol awareness courses online. These classes are available anywhere in the country from any web-based computer. They are low cost and convenient because you do not need to leave the comfort of your own home. Classes will take the alcoholic through the process of identifying why they drink and what the most effective tools are to help overcome the addiction. It is a completely relaxed way to approach the subject and to begin the discussion of how to change this behavior forever.  You can also find alcohol classes by state here.

Drug Convictions Often Require an Online Drug Class

Alcohol and drug addiction is a problem that affects not only the addict, but those around him. Initially, the individual might try a drug for recreational use, to make them feel good and relieve stress. In the beginning, the individual might be able to regulate use and somewhat control their behavior, however, as they continue using drugs regularly, the brain gets used to functioning with the drug. This in turn will make the user have to take more for the same effect, and the body will begin having cravings for the drug. It’s a vicious circle that leads to more and more substance abuse.

When one is addicted, they face various stages and this does not only affect them but it also affects the people living with and around them. Loved ones may begin to feel uneasy and not know what to expect from the abuser. It is a difficult situation for everyone involved, however, there are some things those around the individual can do to try to facilitate abstinence and recovery.

First of all, it is important that the family members and loved ones make themselves available and show support for the individual. He or she must know they have people to confide in and who are looking out for them. Tell the loved one that you have faith in him and are confident that he can overcome this addiction. If the person sees that other people have faith in the recovery, they will also be motivated. The best way to encourage someone to stop drugs is by talking to them and letting them decide for themselves. Never force them to do anything as they might get defensive.

Seeking the services of a professional counselor or psychologist can be of great help. These people are trained and experienced and know what the victim is going through. They can provide empathy and direction for the addict. This makes it easy for the patient to share with them their issues and therefore the possibility of recovery is heightened.

An intervention can be another effective way of helping a drug addicted person. This is when the family and friends who are concerned about the person gather to talk to the person. They each tell the abuser about the addiction and how it has negatively affected their relationship. This serves as an eye opener to many addicts because they are often unaware of the dangers they have caused, or the hurt they have imparted on those around them.

You can also help your loved one by using available resources on the internet. Online drug classes will help both family members and the addict learn facts about addiction and how to start the recovery process. They are an excellent way to begin the discussion with the suffering individual in a very benign, relaxed way. The classes are great because they are taken from the privacy of your own home on your web-based computer and will guide you through the steps of figuring out where the problem is stemming from. The courses will talk about the risk factors involved in both the addict’s physical health and overall life, and then solutions to stopping the behavior through communication, stress management and redirection. Discussions can be held in your own home and in quality courses, a licensed therapist is available to speak with as well. Classes are inexpensive and will have a life changing affect on everyone involved.

Conquer Your Alcoholism Through Alcohol Awareness Classes!

An estimated 18 million American adults have an alcohol-related problem. Although most of them have moderate to severe alcohol dependency, a unique group of individuals - an estimated 4 million people - are high functioning alcoholics (HFAs). These are individuals who have an addiction to alcohol but remain physically, mentally and emotionally capable of handling their responsibilities at home, at school or at work. Some of them may be aware of their problem but many are not even sure they are suffering from this condition.

A high-functioning alcoholic is someone who has an alcohol dependence yet manages to function normally, at least when seen by other people. They hardly miss work, have a good relationship with their family and friends, have stable finances, are able to socialize well and may even be successful in their field. They consume nearly the same amount of alcoholic beverages as other full-blown alcoholics. The only difference is that they do not show the same symptoms as indications of intoxication. The reason for this may be because some alcoholics have become physically tolerant of alcohol, so much so that they may not even feel the effects in the same way as other alcoholics would. They may not even experience hangovers even after consuming a large amount of alcohol. As a result, they may have to drink more in order to feel satisfied. The problem is that the increasing amount of alcohol intake is detrimental to health, leading to organ damage and cognitive impairment.

If you fit this description or if alcohol is beginning to destroy your life, today there are different online classes you can take on awareness and education about alcohol addiction. Those who have been convicted for DUI are actually required to take such courses as part of their sentence. Nevertheless, even if you are a functional alcoholic who has never been arrested, perhaps it is time for a change. Begin with these classes.

In getting involved in such classes, you will learn more about the effects of your indulgence and how it can harm your body. You will also be taught strategies on how you can redirect this great desire for alcohol. Moreover, you can be trained with stress management skills too

  • Basic information about alcohol use and abuse and the factors that lead to alcohol dependence or addiction
  • Facts and statistics about alcoholism
  • Definition of alcoholism and the common characteristics shared by high-functioning alcoholics
  • Ways and techniques to manage dependence and overcome addiction
  • Ways to aid in the prevention of alcohol addiction

These online classes are certainly easy to access and very convenient as you can log-on from any web-based computer. You do not have to go out of your way or to risk getting embarrassed when somebody sees you in a counseling or meeting session for alcoholics. You can simply enjoy the benefits in the comfort of your own home. This way, you will also feel more at ease, especially if you have a support system such as family members and close friends who can sit beside you while you are going through the classes.

Many people can benefit from drug and alcohol classes because they learn important skills on how to solve problems, control their cravings and find ways to focus their energies on more productive pursuits. These online classes are the most discreet way of getting the education needed to help overcome the addiction. With willingness on the person's part, getting help from drug and alcohol classes online can be very beneficial in changing your life forever.  Consider a substancial 20 hour alcohol awareness class online.

Even A High-Functioning Alcoholic Might Need an Alcohol Awareness Class Online

High-functioning alcoholic, abbreviated as HFA, describes an individual who is able to lead an almost perfect life despite their addiction to alcohol. These people are able to maintain their jobs, socialize with the adjacent community and have managed to marry and create an outwardly successful home and family life, all while drinking excessively. They are often over-achievers who use alcohol to alleviate the stress of the lifestyle they are trying to maintain. Generally HFA’s are in denial of their addiction problem until something devastating happens in their life usually caused by the alcoholism. For instance, one might get a DUI conviction, have a spouse walk out on them or engage in risky behaviors that come back to haunt them. 33% of high-functioning alcoholics come from a multigenerational family history of alcoholism.

If you experience the following, but seem to be maintaining a productive lifestyle, you could be classified as a HFA.

- Wanting to drink more after your first glass of alcohol

- Constantly daydreaming about your next alcohol session

- Wanting to be with friends who also love to drink

- Drinking alcohol daily until you find yourself starting to set alcohol limits that you end up not following anyway

- Hearing concerned comments from your loved ones about your drinking patterns

- Not being able to imagine a day without drinking

- Being involved in a DUI case or maybe driving while intoxicated and wasn't caught or apprehended

Since a high functioning alcoholic is able to maintain a respectable profile, close relatives and friends generally hesitate to confront them which delays entry into a recovery program. Such an individual is often living a double life and will only acknowledge their alcohol addiction once they start having serious health and overall life problems.

If you know someone with this issue who is in denial, one way to start the conversation is enrolling them in an online alcohol and drug awareness class. This class can be taken from any web-based computer in the comfort on the client’s home. Family members and friends can sit together to scroll through the information and discuss the situation at hand. An online alcohol awareness class will cover the devastating effects alcoholism can have on you. The professionals will advise on the best strategies to abstain from alcohol which include indulgence in self improvement activities.

You will also get a chance to view and read inspirational content from people who successfully managed their addiction problem. Inspirational testimonials also play a major role in helping people acknowledge ownership of this problem as well. If you came across someone who has permanently lost their drivers license after getting the maximum number of DUI convictions, or has spent her days waiting until work is over so she can have her first drink, and you find that you can relate, this might turn the tide for you.

Another reason why so many people opt to take online alcohol awareness classes is the convenience. Unlike traditional classes, online alcohol awareness classes can be accessed 24 hours a day including weekends. This aspect is especially helpful to people who have busy schedules, so there is no excuse not to be able to make it to a class. Online alcohol and drug awareness classes are informative, factual and educational and can help even the most difficult cases start to turn their lives around.

Florida Minor In Possesssion Classes and Laws

As with the rest of the United States, the legal age limit for alcohol possession and consumption in Florida is 21. However, there are still unfortunate situations where someone under the legal age limit is caught with alcohol. This may happen because of going to a party, an older adult furnishing alcohol, or through the use of a fake ID. Regardless of how the minor comes into possession, it is illegal and the Florida minor in possession law will be enforced. Unfortunately, this is no small warning, there are fines and sentencing that come along with this charge. If you are interested in knowing some of the details of this charge, or in relaying this information to your teenagers, read on.

The laws surrounding minor in possession in Florida are relatively straightforward, and are similar to other state laws concerning this crime. If a minor under the age of 21 is in possession of alcohol, this will be considered a second degree misdemeanor for the first offence (a second charge becomes upgraded to a first degree misdemeanor). This charge can lead to both fines and jail time. After an initial defense, the charged person may receive up to 60 days of jail time in addition to a standard $500 fine. Second offenses compound these penalties to $1000 and a full year in jail. Additionally, there are penalties concerning drivers licenses: after the first offense, a license can be suspended for between 6 months and a full year (a second offense will lead to a 2 year suspension). Those concerned with this law should note that minors over 18 handling alcohol as part of legal employment are not considered to be minors in possession, and thus do not risk being charged with this crime.

A court mandate after a charge of minor in possession in Florida will likely include some variety of alcohol education classes for the offending minor. These may come in addition to counseling sessions aimed at preventing similar mistakes in the future. The goal of these classes is to educate young adults about the risks of alcohol use, how to avoid peer pressure and learn to refuse offers of alcohol, techniques to help you stay away from alcohol, and the penalties for repeated violations of these laws. The courts have found that these classes are a successful way to educate in order to prevent future violations.

Luckily, these classes can be taken through online courses; this way, they are far more convenient and often more helpful for a minor who can go at their own pace. They can be taken from any Internet based computer at home or on your laptop and allow you to take them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so that classes do not need to conflict with your work or school schedules. One of the many benefits is that they are completely confidential and private. No one in your community will see you walking into a classroom, a bonus for many teenagers who might be embarrassed by their actions.

Minor in Possession laws are taken very seriously in Florida, and carry a number of serious penalties. Florida residents are also advised to carefully consider the laws against providing alcohol to minors, as they are similarly harsh and should not be broken. Luckily, the ability to complete alcohol education classes online has made it easier for Florida minors to move past an earlier conviction and avoid future offenses. It is imperative that these laws and penalties are understood by teenagers who may otherwise consider possessing and consuming alcohol. In addition to the many health risks of early drinking, the penalties will cause great stress in their daily lives.