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Steps To Stay Clean From Alcohol and Drug Abuse Through Online Classes

For someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, staying clean can be incredibly challenging. Alcohol is easily accessible and is everywhere, especially if you are friends with social drinkers. Drugs are easier to come by than ever. Many people want to try something “just once” to see what it is like or what everyone is talking about, and become addicted to them. Statistics show the increasing number of individuals entering drug or alcohol rehabs each year. This proves how difficult it is to kick the habit once the addiction has taken hold.

We may long for the good old days when it was more difficult to get a hold of legal and illegal drugs. However, the tools to fight these addictions have been refined and improved over time. We can now take the first step towards rehabilitation in the privacy of our own homes, completely anonymously by enrolling in an alcohol and drug awareness class online. These classes will educate you about the negative effects of drug and alcohol addiction and guide you with steps to take to get back on the right path. They are low-cost and give you the freedom to work at your own pace and on your own schedule.

The next step is to remove yourself from situations in which you will be tempted to indulge. You need to be honest with yourself and own up to the fact that you have a problem that needs to be taken seriously. It not only effects you but those around you if you are drinking and driving, etc. If you know that people will be doing illegal drugs at a certain party, than don’t go. If you are concerned that you will feel the need to drink wine at the steak dinner you have been invited to than graciously decline and wait until you are in a better place to deal with this desire. Change your lifestyle to accommodate your need to stay away from this type of behavior.

The third most important step is to be selective about your group of friends. This is a particularly vulnerable time in your life and you need to surround yourself with people and loved ones that will be there to support you. You may not realize that the people you have been hanging around with are contributing to your problems. You might feel that your closest group of friends really care about you, but if they are encouraging your habit, they are not good people to have in your life. You need to ask yourself if this person or people is making a positive impact on your life? If the answer is no, than now is the time to move on.

When you are ready to take charge of your life and overcome alcohol or drug addictions, it is important to have a lot of support. Taking an online 8 hour alcohol awareness class that has been designed by a licensed and practicing therapist is a good way to begin your road to recovery.

Alcohol and Drug Classes Online For Those Seeking To Overcome Addiction

On the road to recovering from an addiction to alcohol or any other substance, the first step is to recognize the existence of a problem. Evaluating oneself and asking your friends and family to evaluate you will help you understand whether you are indeed dependant on a substance. Evaluate your behavior, your cravings and the duration and frequency with which you feel the desire for the alcohol or drugs. Once you admit that you have a problem, and are ready to work on it, you will begin your path to turning your life around.

Withdrawal from your personal life, friends and family; problems at work; inability to get through the day without alcohol or drugs; inability to sleep without the alcohol or drugs; continuous need for the substance; stress and low self esteem are all the signs that you have a problem. There are various websites that help you to evaluate yourself and recognize the presence of an addiction. Websites like Alcohol Drug Class will help you in assessing the extent of your dependence, whether you need to change your lifestyle and substance usage patterns and also provide you with help to overcome these issues.

Once the existence of the problem has been identified, the next step in overcoming your addiction is to sign up for the length of course you would like to start with. This is a high quality program that has been designed by a licensed, practicing therapist who is also available to speak with during the workweek, pacific standard time. This is a perfect option for someone who is looking for the convenience of being able to educate oneself in the convenience of his own home, privately. The classes are low-cost which is something to consider as traditional schools can be an expensive and a time consuming procedure. These online classes provide you with the help, information and support that you would need to progress through the different stages of getting over your substance addiction. They are completely up-to-date with the most current styles and techniques used in rehabilitation centers across the country to overcome addiction. In the United States, you can take an online class from any of the 50 states as long as you have web access.

An advantage of an online alcohol class is that it is tailored to meet the needs of all members. It allows you to work at your own pace and make time for all your other commitments. You can take the class at 1:00 in the morning if you would like. It also provides you with a degree of anonymity so that you can avoid the stigma that is accompanied by making it common knowledge that you are dependent on alcohol or other drugs. Classes will teach you redirection and how to replace these unhealthy cravings with a positive, healthier lifestyle. And, you can take the courses online with friends and family sitting with you for support. This opens up discussion which will lead to catharsis.

Want to Learn about Binge Drinking through Online Alcohol Classes

Binge drinking is a term used to describe excessive episodic drinking. The drinking episode usually last for a few hours. A binge drinker's aim is to get drunk by rapidly consuming alcohol in that short duration of time. Binge drinking is sometimes considered as subjective because it depends on the person's capacity for alcohol and because of cultural activities which involve drinking alcohol.

In contrast to popular belief, binge drinking is not alcoholism. However, binge drinkers are at risk of becoming alcoholics once their binge drinking becomes uncontrollable and regular. Another popular misconception is that binge drinking is the same as social drinking. There is a very thin line between the two. The factor that defines that line is the fact that social drinkers do not aim to get drunk. If social drinkers get drunk, it is because they enjoyed the company of others. In addition to that, binge drinkers do not need anyone's company to drink.

Binge drinking is more common in men than in women. A man is considered binge drinking when he has already consumed 8 units of alcohol in a short period of time. A woman is considered binge drinking on her 6th unit or her 2nd glass of wine. Binge drinkers usually fall under the 16 to 24 year old age bracket. Most likely, college students and people who are fairly new in their career binge drink. It has been well documented over the years about Fraternity parties that go awry because members have been forced to quickly drink to excess as part of the hazing ritual. In recent years, college campuses have begun to close down Frat houses that have encouraged this type of partying. A comprensive 16 hour drug alcohol class is highly recommended.

There have been studies regarding racial factors to binge drinking as well. The race that is most likely to binge drink are Hispanics, followed by Caucasians. African Americans are somewhere in between while Asians are the least likely to binge drink. Science explains that the ALDH2-Chromosome 12 present in Asians' genes is the cause of slow alcohol metabolism.

Satoshi Kanawaza of "The Scientific Fundamentalist" published research by the National Child Development Study in UK last 2011 regarding binge drinking. He said that intelligent people are more likely to develop the habit of binge drinking than less intelligent individuals. However, education has nothing to do with results. The consequences of binge drinking are dire.

A binge drinker's mental and physical health is at risk. Mood and memory is affected. If binge drinking continues, the problems with mood and memory could be difficult to reverse. It should be clear that binge drinking is not a “cool” game to play at a party, it can lead to alcohol poisoning and death. People who binge drink as a mechanism to control depression are most likely to self harm. Furthermore, it leads to anti-social behavior which is violent and aggressive. Alcohol is a big factor in street crimes, from sexual offenses to burglaries.

In conclusion, if you, or someone you know, has been binge drinking, seek professional help right away before the repercussions become deadly. It's imperative to know that binge drinking is easy to eliminate as long as there is a strong support system. One way to start the conversation with someone who is binge drinking, or to educate your children prior to going off to college is by taking online alcohol and drug awareness classes. These classes are easy to take in the comfort of your own home and will teach why and how to avoid alcohol and drug abuse and are often taken as dui classes.

What Class Should My Child Take if She/He is Using Drugs or Alcohol?

Drug and alcohol addiction is a major problem and no matter how much one tries to quit, it is not easy. Anyone trying to help their child overcome this problem should understand that. Substance abuse is in most cases brought about by a lot of factors such as peer pressure, domestic problems, low self esteem, curiosity or even spite to some extremes. If you feel your child needs help, follow these steps:

It would be wrong to accuse your child of abusing alcohol and drugs without proof only to find out later that they were innocent. It is very important for the parent to gather all evidence and proof before hand.
If in deed your child is an addict, get rid of all alcohol and addictive substance that might be in your home and keep them away. It is important as these things will only serve as temptation to your child hence relapsing.
Use the right procedure and tactics when approaching your child. Assure them of your love and the support you are willing to give in order to help them get over the addiction. Avoid condemning, blaming and focusing on what could have been as these will definitely yield negative results.
Find out the cause of the problem. If it was because of peer pressure then guide your child in to hanging around friends with good morals and principles. If the cause of the addiction is domestic problems, get to the root of the problem and do your best to solve. Dealing with the root cause of addiction is the first step to healing.
If your child has been struggling with drug addiction for a long time, with only promises to change, then you as a parent should take the initiative to get your child in to a rehabilitation center. It is a difficult step and your child will probably fight you on this but it is the better option. Being too lenient might cost you your child's life.
All through the healing process, whether through rehab or not, show your unlimited support to your child and encourage them to keep going. Always be there when the healing process gets tough and give support. When their attempts to remain clean are shaky, reassure them of their strength.
Always keep the lines of communication open so that your child may feel free to discuss any issue with you. This is essential in overcoming addiction. The less your child keeps bottled up inside, the faster the healing process.

Getting over a drug or alcohol addiction is very challenging but with support, understanding and care, your child it is attainable. The root cause of the addiction should be dealt with to prevent relapses. Always remember that you must go through this journey with your child as it is the only way to guarantee success. Taking online alcohol and drug classes is a positive first step. You can sign-up for 8 hour to 24 hour alcohol and drug classes, depending on the depth of information you would like. Families can take these classes together in the privacy of their own homes to get the discussion going in a safe atmosphere.

What are the Online Classes Needed for Getting an MIP Ticket in California?

A Minor in Possession (MIP) ticket is given to any individual in the United States, under the age of 21, found having possession of alcohol or under the influence of alcohol. If the police officer in charge finds enough evidence to show that the person has been drinking alcohol or is in possession of it, an MIP ticket is issued to the minor. MIP is also termed as PAULA (Possession of Alcohol Under the Legal Age).

What does it mean to get an MIP?

Punishments for those who are given a Minor in Possession ticket in the US can vary between states. Each state levies its own punishments and fines for an MIP. Some may let off the minor on the first count with a fine of $100-$500 dollars. The fines may be reduced or exempted if the minor convicted completes an alcohol education program or community service. In some states the fine may be accompanied by revoking the driving license for a period of a month to a maximum of one year. Subsequent offenses or persons with a pre-existent criminal record may have to pay a full fine or may even have his/her driving license revoked until the age of 21. Extreme cases may also result in imprisonment.

What are the repercussions of getting a Minor in Possession (MIP) ticket in California?

In the state of California, the law includes persons below the age of 21 who exhibit they are under the influence of alcohol and even those who are found holding a can of unopened beer.

In California, if persons under the age of 21 are caught in possession or under the influence of alcohol and charged with an MIP ticket and get convicted, the results are:

They need to pay a fine that can range between $200-$300. It usually is $250. They would also be required to pay additional charges like court fees, costs and other expenses the judge finds appropriate. This fine can however be exchanged for 24-36 hours of community service if the minor agrees and completes the service within a stipulated period of time. Any further convictions on an MIP charge could result in higher fines and stricter punishments. For example, a mandatory one-year suspension of the driving license as per the Vehicle Code Section 13202.5 if they are convicted. Since the penalty is mandatory no judge can exercise his discretion to cancel/limit/change the suspension. If the minor is not of an age to possess a license, the conviction delays their ability to attain a driving license in future by one year. If the MIP ticket is given for alcohol found in the car, the punishment and fine is more severe. Apart from the penalties stated above, it includes an imprisonment of 6 months, impounding of the vehicle for 30 days and a fine of $1000.

All these penalties are levied only when the person is convicted of the charge, either if the offender is found guilty by the jury/judge or by the offender pleading guilty. In case there is no conviction, a negotiation can be reached to avoid severe penalties of imprisonment or suspension of license.

Convictions can be avoided if the offender completes the required sanctions like attending an alcohol awareness program or doing community service and paying the fine etc. Online alcohol awareness and MIP classes are often approved by the courts and can help to fulfill your judgment.